Mvc Identity Prevent User From Back Button to Login Page

This article shows how an ASP.NET Core MVC application can request data using a HTML form so that the browser back button will work. When using a HTTP POST to request data from a server, the back button does not work, because it tries to re-submit the form data. This can be solved by using a HTTP GET, or an AJAX POST.


Request data using a HTTP Post

In an ASP.NET Core MVC application, a user can request data from a server using a HTML form. The form can be set to do a POST request and when the data is returned in the response, it is displayed in the partial view using the data from the POST response.

@model MvcDynamicDropdownList.Models.DdlItems @{     ViewData["Title"] = "Index"; }  <h4>Back Fail Confirm Form Resubmission</h4>  <form asp-controller="Back" asp-action="SomeDataFromAPost" method="post">     <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Display</button> </form>  @if (Model != null) {     @await Html.PartialAsync("SomeData", Model) } else {     <p>no display items</p> }        

The MVC Controller handles the view requests, prepares the data, and returns the views as required.

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Rendering; using MvcDynamicDropdownList.Models; using System.Collections.Generic;  namespace MvcDynamicDropdownList.Controllers {     public class BackController : Controller     {         public IActionResult IndexPost()         {             return View();         }          public IActionResult IndexGet()         {             return View();         }          // SomeDataFromAPost         [HttpPost]         public IActionResult SomeDataFromAPost()         {             var model = new DdlItems             {                 Items = new List<SelectListItem>                 {                     new SelectListItem { Text = "H1", Value = "H1Value"},                     new SelectListItem { Text = "This is cool", Value = "cool"}                 }             };             return View("IndexPost", model);         }          // SomeDataFromAPostGet         [HttpGet]         public IActionResult SomeDataFromAGet()         {             var model = new DdlItems             {                 Items = new List<SelectListItem>                 {                     new SelectListItem { Text = "H1", Value = "H1Value"},                     new SelectListItem { Text = "This is cool", Value = "cool"}                 }             };             return View("IndexGet", model);         }     } }        

The partial view just displays the data.

@model MvcDynamicDropdownList.Models.DdlItems  <p>display items</p> @if (Model.Items != null) {     <div style="width: 200px;">         <ol>             @foreach (var item in Model.Items)             {                 <li>item.Text</li>             }         </ol>     </div> } else {     <p>no display items</p> }        

By doing this, when the user clicks the back button, the web application breaks and displays the following message: Confirm Form Resubmission

This is correct, because the browser thinks you are changing the data by doing a POST, or resending an UPDATE data request.

The following gif displays this:

Solving this problem using HTTP GET

The back button problem can be solved by implementing the data request in a different way. The first way would be to send a HTTP GET request, instead of a HTTP POST. Request parameters, if any, are sent in the URL and the back button will then work without problems. This could be implemented as follows:

@model MvcDynamicDropdownList.Models.DdlItems @{     ViewData["Title"] = "Index"; }  <h4>Back No Confirm Form Resubmission due to GET Form</h4>  <form asp-controller="Back" asp-action="SomeDataFromAGet" method="get">     <button class="btn btn-primary" type="submit">Display</button> </form>  @if (Model != null) {     @await Html.PartialAsync("SomeData", Model) } else {     <p>no display items</p> }        

Solving this problem using AJAX HTTP POST

If a POST request is required, it could be sent using AJAX, which can then send a POST request to the server. This is done in ASP.NET Core by using the data-ajax properties, and the jquery.validate.unobtrusive javascript library. Is this example, the DOM element with the content id displays the result.

@{     ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page"; }  <h4>Back Ok, No Confirm Form Resubmission due to async</h4>  <div>     <div>         <form asp-controller="Home" asp-action="DynamicDropDownList"                   data-ajax="true"                   data-ajax-method="POST"                   data-ajax-mode="replace"                   data-ajax-update="#content">             <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" value="getData" />         </form>         <div id="content"></div>      </div>  </div>        


Mvc Identity Prevent User From Back Button to Login Page


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